Thursday, June 23, 2016

Special Summer Workshop Shad (School Headteacher Association for Development of Education)


SHADE-Certification on Educational Leadership, Management, and Administration

“Each School is Unique”

Educational Leadership: De-Construction of Leader-Follower Hierarchy

§  A team-based approach to leadership

§  Configurations of educational leadership:
ü  symbolic attitudes
ü  organisational skills
ü  knowledge for practice

§  Managing performance through self-evident:
ü  reflective critique
ü  creativity and,
ü  innovation 

Educational Management: Making A Difference

§  Whole school improvement plan-an inclusive approach:

ü  curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment
ü  school ethos
ü  support for student
ü  quality assurance

Educational Administration: Leading with Mind and Heart

§  Human Resource (HR) management

§  Asset management

§  Technology facilitation

§  Finance management

Date: July 18-27, 2016; Follow-Up Session on August 20, 2016
Time: 1:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Course Fee: 12,000/- (Cash or Pay order in the name of "The Aga Khan University")
Who should attend this course?
School principals, vice-principals, academic coordinators and, education managers having minimum two years’ experience in the management and leadership capacity

Registration deadline is Friday 11-15 July, 2016 (by 9:00am to 4:00pm). For registration, please visit to PTAN office for registration (PTAN c/o IED-PDC, 1-5/B-VII, F.B. Area, Karimabad, Karachi-75950) along with the registration fee (Cash or Pay order in the name of "The Aga Khan University"). For queries please email us at or call 021-36826991-94/36347611-14 Mob: 0316-283-8307 Ext. 8556. Face Book: PTAN